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Handmade cotton slings for children from 0 to 2 - 2 1/2 years old.
Ideal for walks in the woods, parks or in the city, to access those places where pushchairs can't.
Child can sit up, sleep around parent's body and even breastfeed!


  • size: universal
    Materials: 100% cotton, choice of heavy or lighter cotton (jean, calico, simple or double)
    Hammock: Padded rim, over the shoulder adjustable with wooden rings, small pocket.
    Double Ring: (see picture)
About Us

Sankofa to Nature provides Professional and Qualified Guidance, Knowledge & Positive approach to Nature, bridging the gaps between urban life and the natural spaces available, its resources and potential. 



- Forest School sessions &           programs

- Outdoor Educational services

- Earthday Parties

- Consultancy


Get in touch

Contact us to find the right program for you and your family: 

0208 761 8937 or

077 1228 5873

Email us:


© 2015 by Rastawoman Creations 

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